Carbide rods, due to their special properties of wear resistance, high hardness, excellent fracture toughness, and compressive strength, have been widely used in various fields such as metal processing, electronics industry, wood processing, aerospace industry, and medicine. They are ideal preliminary materials for manufacturing printed circuit board micro-drills, milling cutters, reamers, step tools, long rod tools, taps, and dot matrix printer needles. With the development of technology, the demand for carbide rods is increasing, and forming techniques have evolved from traditional processes such as cold isostatic pressing and die pressing to more modern and economical extrusion molding processes, resulting in better quality and a wider variety of products.
يعد تلبيد الكربيد خطوة حاسمة في إنتاج الكربيد. أثناء عملية الضغط..
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يمتلك مسحوق المرحاض الخشن الحبيبات خصائص خاصة واستخدامات محددة، خاصة مسحوق المرحاض الخشن عالي الحرارة، والذي يتميز...
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